Kakharu and Pani Kahkaru in English

Kakharu & Pani Kakharu in English Name

Kakharu in English

Vegetable Kakharu (କଖାରୁ) in English is known as Pumpkin & in Hindi, it is called Kaddu (कद्दू). It is also known as Sitaphal and Kumhra. The scientific name of the pumpkin is Cucurbita.

pumpkin is a large, round, orange-colored vegetable with thick skin. The stem of its plant is weak, it is elongated in size. The color of the plant is green, there are small hairs on its stem. The leaves of the pumpkin plant are large and broad, which are circular in shape. When the plant grows up, yellow flowers appear on it, the flower has 5 petals.

Pumpkin contains nutrients like protein, carbohydrates, iron, and fiber.

Pani Kakharu in English

Vegetable Pani Kakharu (ପାଣି କଖାରୁ) in English is known as Ash gourd & in Hindi, it is called Safed petha (सफेद पेठा या सफेद कद्दू). Its botanical name is Benincasa hispida.

Ash gourd fruits are round, waxy, green from the outside, and white from the inside, about 8-12 cm in length and 3-5 kg in weight.

It contains nutrients like carbohydrates, Fiber, Calcium, Magnesium, Phosphorus, Potassium, etc. Ash gourd’s low-calorie, high-fiber, and high-water contents help to improve digestion and promote healthy body weight.